Be seen. Be heard. Be healthy.
That is the mantra of Cityblock Health, a health care provider co-founded by CEO Dr. Toyin Ajayi that aims to increase access to high-quality care. As a young girl growing up in Nairobi during the AIDS epidemic, Toyin became attuned to how health care inequities affect certain groups based on racial, economic, and social characteristics. Years later, that recognition of how health care outcomes impact patients’ social and economic capacity catalyzed Toyin’s shift from full-time clinical practice in Boston to broader leadership.
Addressing social drivers of poor health and creating sustainable change for vulnerable communities has become her life’s work. No one is better suited than this dedicated family physician turned health care activist and entrepreneur to transform our broken health care system into one that understands and serves all patients, bringing new meaning to the phrase “The doctor will see you now.” Indeed!
By Kenneth C. Frazier for TIME
Frazier is chairman of health assurance initiatives at General Catalyst, an investor in Cityblock Health